Scouler Willow (Salix scoulerina)
Sold as: 2 feet stake
These plants are often called ‘fire willows’ due to their quick establishment in areas burnt from fires. Scouler willows are commonly found growing in meadows and along streams and are great at stabilizing streambanks. Due to their height, they can provide shade for gardens and wildlife. The catkins also attract pollinators.
Classification: Perennial
Key Characteristics: Hairy catkins bloom in early spring till mid-summer.
Light Requirements: Full sun to partial shade.
Water Requirements: Moist and well-drained soil.
Ease of Growing: Easy
Growth Rate: Rapid
Bloom Time: Early bloom
Spreads: Seeds
Type of support: Wildlife, pollinators, riparian areas, shade.
Edible: No
Mature Height: 35 feet
Mature Width: 30 feet
Photo Credit:
Image 1: Matt Lavin via Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-2.0
Image 2: Matt Lavin via Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY-2.0